Women go ‘slack-crazy’ in 1942 –
As men are being warned that two pants suits, vests and trouser cuffs will soon only be a memory, women are breaking out in a rash of pants!
High school girls on their way to school, office workers in first-aid classes, city women shopping, factory girls, all of them are now wearing slacks.
That being said, all the pants seen here in these images all conform to the WPB regulations on women’s wear apparel.( no cuffs, no belt, low or no heels etc).
While slacks have been highly fashionable since Hollywood stars like Marlene Dietrich, Carole Lombard and Katherine Hepburn donned them in the early 1930s, never before has there been such a plethora of non skirt wearing women !
Tapered trousers were a style trend even before Government ruled that flapping slacks are taboo. Slacks which taper help give an impression of slimness. Women are frequently spotted sporting sailor pants to honour our navy.
Bicycle slacks can be converted into regular slacks by unfastening ankle bands.
Under Slack Control.
Pantie girdles are best, but only advised for slim hipped girls. For women with bulges, stronger support is urged.
Slack chemises, a one piece affair function as both bra and pantie and will not bulge under slacks. The chemise was popular as an undergarment in the First World war when women first donned pants.
“Blitzies” is the name of the above garment which combines blouse and pantie.
That’s all !
©Glamourdaze 2015
Original article Life – 1942