1930s Beauty – Joan Blondells Beauty Secrets

So what’s this about cottage cheese Joan? –


Ann Boyd 1930s beauty report for Glamourdaze.

Joan Blondell, that delightful blonde, has some pretty original ideas on beauty and care of the skin. She certainly has that youtful pep and radiant beauty which we should all love to have!
She believes beauty is more than just skin deep; that bodily health and wholesome thinking give the right foundation for a beautiful face – and yes, a beautiful complexion.

Here are some of her secrets.


“Being the blonde type causes me to be doubly careful about my complexion,” says Joan. ” A brunette should have a clear skin and take care of her complexion, of course, but every tell-tale mark does not show on her face as it does on the face of a blonde! I firmly support a good wash with soap and water at least once daily.”


“A good oily cleansing cream, the instantly melting kind, should be used every morning and night, for blondes like me tend toward dry skin in a dry climate such as California. Also a good water rinse every day is so effective in improving your skin”

Joan Blondell’s Secret Beauty Pack

1930s-Beauty—Joan-Blondells secret beauty pack

” My favorite beauty pack will give you a good laugh – and a gorgeous complexion. You need cottage cheese – the plain old garden variety, almond oil, an astringent lotion, and skin bleach.

“Smear over the face and neck – and hands too, as much cottage cheese as you can make stay on in a paste. Read or rest quietly until it is completely dry. Heat some milk to the boiling point. Soak a soft cloth in the milk and apply it on the face and neck, gradually washing the cheese away. When the milk has been absorbed by the skin, pat the face dry. Then apply plain old almond oil and pat briskly.

“It’s a good idea to do this just before bed and let the oil stay on all night., Otherwise remove the oil with a good astringent soaked in cotton wool. Pat it away – don’t rub ! The patting motion is best for almost any application of cream or astringent.”

“I do this routine once a week, and then every four weeks I add a skin bleach treatment to the routine, which keeps my face white and clean-looking!”


That’s all !
Text©Glamourdaze 2015
Originally published – 1932
New Movie Magazine.

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