A vintage 1950s lipstick tutorial –
Where once a girl resorted to biting her lips to redden them before entering a crowded room, there is now a myriad of choice in glamour when it comes to choosing her lip rouge. Hollywood makeup guru Ern Westmore provided this sterling advice which applies to this day. See the video Vintage Tips for Beautiful Lips featuring Mr Westmore at the end of post .
How do I get perfect lips?
- Select your lipstick to harmonize with your clothing, hair color and complexion
- Learn to use a lipstick brush
- Start with dry lips
- Left upper lip – start at left corner and work toward center
- Right upper lip – start at center and brush toward corner
- Lower lip – work from left corner down to center; then upward to right corner
- Apply powder at corners and work inward toward inside of mouth
- Correct mistakes with cotton bud moistened with foundation. Apply carefully to lip edges
Lipstick Tips for your Shape of Lips :
- A thin upper Lip
- Unequal Lips
- Cupids bow Lip
- A droopy Mouth
- A pouty lower lip
- A protruding lower lip
The illustrations show lips which need improvement. That can be done with lipstick. You’ll see a grey, dotted region. That is the natural shape of the lips, all of which would normally be covered with lipstick. To correct lip shapes, draw a new lip-line with lipstick as indicated.
That’s all !
©Glamourdaze 2018