Match to your type, these 1920’s short bobs worn by top Hollywood actresses like Louise Brooks, Clara Bow, Myrna Loy and Leatrice Joy
The Short Bob cut

With so many wide variations of bobbed hair to choose from, a girl has a hard time these days deciding just what particular style suits her best. A study of 1920’s bob haircuts worn by various screen actresses might be helpful, for they have the benefit of so much expert advice and criticism that they are in a good position to know what’s suitable to various types.
Leading the way this year is the so called “vampire bob” and its two leading exponents are Louise Brooks and Clara Bow.

Another bob of the year is unquestionably that of Margaret Livingston, whose herself is of an unusual type anyway. Margaret introduced the novelty of pointed bangs, which give her a strange Egyptian look. Margaret Morris, one of the younger Paramount players, is another whose style is ingenue.
1920’s Short Bob – style for Long Hair

For some, who prefer to avoid the drastic crop, there are some very pretty examples of short bob hairstyles.
Greta Nissen, alert and restless in nature, is forever trying new modes of arranging her long tresses in a bob. The style she sports here is quite characteristic. Helene Chadwick achieves a dressy effect for evenings by inserting a soft Marcel wave.

Leatrice Joy – soon to be seen in The Clinging Vine, has been trying out her mannish bob in Beverly Hills circuit and has certainly turned heads. An import from the cabarets of Europe, the androgynous look is daring. Oddly enough a mannish haircut worn with pretty feminine clothing makes for an overall enhanced feminine beauty as Myrna Loy demonstrates in What Price Beauty ?

Marie Prevost‘s bob is fittingly demure in style, while Gloria Swanson looks better with the tailored effect that is still quite feminine.
While many women went for the drastic crop, it was a tough decision to lose those locks. There were many 1920’s bob hairstyles for long hair, which usually involved a chignon, and later various finger wave hairstyles.
The 1920’s bobbed hairstyle phenomenon created some inspiring coiffures which are worn still, almost a century later. Oh those flapper hairstyles !
That’s all !