1940s Beauty – Put Magic in to your Holiday Makeup

Quick ‘plans for prettiness’ for the 1943 summer girl –

Carol Carter 1940’s beauty report for Glamourdaze.com


Vacation bound? Or Victory gardening in the backyard? Whatever you summer plans, they’ll go all the merrier if you plan for prettiness! Says pert Dona Drake ” The surest way for any gal to put magic in her 1940s makeup is for her to learn correct application. A hit or miss lipsticking job never brightened anyone’s life”

Skin preparation.


Every girl knows that smooth sultry skin starts with careful preparation night and day – bathing, creaming and applying softening lotions. Your skin will breathe more easily and is less likely to burn. Dona Drake shows us how!

1943 Beach Beauties.


Esther Williams and Lynn Bari show off their summer glow. Snappy swimsuits paired with immaculate makeup and hair.

Shop Modern Retro Swimwear at Modcloth

Beauty base.


Comes sultry weather, but you’ll look really fresh and inviting. There’s no special trick to it it – except the magic of today’s makeup bases. Take special care with your powder base, so that your skin will stay dewy fresh no matter how the mercury bubbles. Try Woodbury powder.

With every new makeup of yours, be sure to apply your skin matching foundation base – either in cream, stick, cake or lotion form and blend it carefully from neck upwards.
As to color. Remember that you’ve probably been tanned by the nergetic summer sun …decide upon a complimentary sun warmed color for your makeup.

Lipstick- Lure


When you’ve given yourself a complexion as pretty as a filmland belle’s, you’ll want those lips of yours to share in the glamour. And what’s more, you’ll want that glamour to stay with your lips, no matter how many Pepsis you down these thirsty, sun scorched days.

Amusing 1940s War Guide to Womens Lip Types.

1940s-lip types

Now the real advice for your lip type.

1940s-woman-applies-makeup-on-beachModern beauty shop - lipstick on the beach July 1946

Thin Lips – add some bloom by bringing the color slightly beyond the natural lip line.
Full Lips – stop the lipstick short of the natural lip line.
Wide Lips – Stop lipstick before the ends of your lips
Short Lips – Widen a too tiny mouth by extending beyond the corners.

Be sure to slant your expression upwards!

Download original 1940s Makeup Guides

1940s Makeup Guides

Read our 12 Steps to the Perfect Hollywood makeover

1940’s Make-up Guide – How to have lovelier lips

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