Its summer 1910 and the Los Angeles Herald reviews the newest gowns.
By A.T Ashmore
Selecting gowns for the summer outfit involves far more thought, time and patience than can be realized by the uninitiated in the mysteries of women’s dress,and this season’s fashions will tax to the utmost all those qualities best adapted to the successful accomplishment of the task. At times, fashion fads seem totally contradictory. Word is out that tight skirts and only tight skirts are to be worn. No sooner has your friend or maid squeezed you into one, when – surprise surprise – ridiculously full skirts are the latest style decreed.Draped effects or elaborate trimming is commanded, and before the trimmings are chosen – the news is flashed from abroad that simple, plain folds are the latest creations.
Most confusing fads.
In this myriad of conflicting orders – what is a woman to do? Even the most extravagant of our sex halts undecided as to purchasing recklessly and blindly – gowns that will be out of season no sooner than when they are plucked from the rail.
Women’s Street styles for 1910.
Image – Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art.
A smart street costume is an investment eminently practical over a fluffy hearted evening affair. Thankfully this summer, there is a great variety to choose from in the coat and skirt costumes which will last you well into the fall and winter season. A popular choice this year is the shorter coat, Russian blouse or much trimmed short jacket as seen from the House of Paquin.
Eccentric gowns for 1910.
Eccentric in the extreme actually – are many of the new gowns with the skirts enlivened with folds of the material tied together so as to draw the fullness in about the ankles.
Hopefully this hobble style will soon disappear!When the fashion was introduced to our shores last year it was seen essentially as a caricature, and even the designers who gave it to the public were skeptical as to its adoption. But the ever dim public took them to their hearts for a time.
Fortunately this season there is a wide range of new styles to choose from – and these are seen at their best in the soft transparent fabrics which permit of the skirt being wide and full about the ankles! Very feminine for a change!
Low cut gowns for 1910.
The round, low cut neck, which is at the moment an all prevailing fashion, is painfully conspicuous in many of the newest models for gowns. But the latest designs have all the yoke and high stock collar of finest net, and, while so transparent as not to entirely obviate the appearance of the uncovered neck, it does modify it a little.
Summer evenings in soft satins.
The soft finished silks and satins selling at such reasonable prices make the summer evening frocks really attractive this year. The over-skirt, round or pointed, preferably the latter, shows to greatest advantage in these materials. There need be no trimming, even on the waist.
Soft folds in surplice effect of fine tulle or chiffon are most becoming, either of the same color as the gown or of white. sleeves of the net or chiffon, reaching not quite to the elbow, close fitting and finished with crystal fringe, are becoming, while if so desired the sleeve recalls the kimono style of a few years ago.The theater and restaurant dinner gown is far prettier with the net elbow length sleeve, and is in far better style than the latter, which by right should be a ball gown.
Further Reading:
1910s Fashion – A Woman’s Wardrobe for Autumn and Winter 1910/11