1960’s Hairstyles tricks for Long Hair – Pattie Boyd

Most of us will agree that a girls shining glory is her hair. I feel it is so important for a girl to devote her main attention to her Barnet – which is the London slang word for hairstyle. My hair is pretty longish, so this article I’m afraid is only for those of you with long hair or those who plan to grow their hair long !
Firstly, clean hair is the top beauty secret for girls with long hair – or any hair for that matter. I wash my hair at least once a day. I’ll dry it out with a clean towel, then gently comb out all the tangles.
Experiment with the latest shampoos to see which is right for you. Don’t be using expensive shampoos – waste of money!. But do look for one with live oil added, as it’s so good for normal hair.

Just before my hair is totally dry, I’ll brush it through thoroughly with a natural bristle brush.Make sure your hair isn’t still wet – as this will “stretch” it and leave broken ends. Finally when my hair is gleaming and slightly damp I carefully roll up about eight biggish rollers right to the ends. Curl them over at least three times – how many times will also depend on how much natural curl is in your hair.

When my hair is dried, I take out the rollers.I lift up my hair at the top of my head and back-comb it until I’ve teased up enough to give a little “crown”.
Then, I comb over the teasing quite gently til my crown is smooth and neat looking. Then I comb my bangs downwards over the eyebrows and, holding them gently, I flick the ends up to get a curved line – which in my opinion is most flattering to my eyes.

To finish, I comb the sides and ends carefully , while flicking the bottoms upwards all the way round. The final job is spraying my hair thoroughly with a light hair spray. This will hold it its all in place and stop it going gooey.

So girls – if you have difficulty doing this hairstyle, don’t worry. Just keep practicing and you’ll soon know what to do for you and your hair type. Best of British luck!

Also – don’t forget to check out my 1960’s Eye makeup tricks.
In my next tutorial I’ll show you my basic “face make-up” secrets. How to get that pale 1960’s London makeup look” and how to do your lips so that they look really natural, but with a nice a pretty sheen to them.
That’s all !
©Glamour Daze
I loved Patti Boyd so much, and tried to make my hair just like hers in the 60’s . She was so adorably cute, that I didn’t even mind it when George married her.
Thanks for this post.
How outdated that is now in a way, you must never wash your hair even everyday, much less more than once a day!