Just a heads up to our regular readers and any newbies of course – that Glamourdaze will be producing a ‘ How to’ make-up guide in the near future with detailed step by step instructions on how to achieve the beauty looks from the 1920s , 1930s makeup styles to the 1960s look of Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton . Unlike our very popular vintage makeup guides – these will be guides for modern girls – with blow by blow instructions and beautifully illustrated – along with a beauty history from each era. So you have that to look forward to!
Now if you are interested in the glamorous decade of the 1930s , whose makeup looks were inspired and in many ways dictated by Hollywood beauty gurus such as Max Factor – you can read an excellent step by step tutorial and on how to get the 1930s face by our friend Tia on her small but informative vintage beauty blog The Gilded Slipper. I think she has really nailed the look and she guides you through each step from complexion, eyebrows [ very important in the 1930s ], eyes, lips, cheeks, and finally the look ! – which Tia rightly brings your attention to, meaning – the 1930s expression ! i call it a sort of ‘ aloofness’. A representation of the newly liberated woman of that era. Tia will be be bringing her makeup expertise on the 1930s and the 1940s era to bear in helping us as a contributor to our vintage beauty guide. Incidentally Tia is also a perfumer – so why not visit her website Eliza Fragrances.
In the meantime head over to Tia’s blog and get the full 1930s makeup look post.
Download now – Rare 1930s Make-up Guides from Vintage Make-up Guide.