Flapper Beauty Contest

The Great Flapper Beauty Contest of 1922
Above poster available at Glamourdaze Zazzle

Courtesy of Old Magazine Articles

Girls, here’s good news for you! How would you like to get a hundred dollars – just for being a flapper?
Also a chance to move to Hollywood and become an actress star !
Provided you are more of a flapper than any of the entrants in THE FLAPPER BEAUTY CONTEST !

You don’t have to be beautiful to be a flapper, and if you’re not a flapper, you wouldn’t be considered beautiful !
The thing is – you must be a flapper.


Well, thats hard to tell. A Chicago beauty column recently listed her characteristics as follows:

1. Hairstyle – Bobbed
2. Make-up – powder and rouge on face – use of lip stick
3. Face – plucked eyebrows
4. Dress – low cut sleeveless bodice, absence of corset, little underclothing, often only a teddy bear, high skirts and roll your own stockings.

If you’re friends think you’re a flapper, chances are – you are !

Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “Flapper Beauty Contest”

  1. I wish this was an advertisement now! I could use 100 dollars and I can't think of a better way than by flapper-ing.

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